EC-Council Blockchain Fintech (BFC) + Exam voucher [EBFC]
Dates et lieux de début
computer En ligne: VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER 17 avr. 2025 jusqu'au 18 avr. 2025 |
computer En ligne: VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER 29 sept. 2025 jusqu'au 30 sept. 2025 |
computer En ligne: VIRTUAL TRAINING CENTER 22 déc. 2025 jusqu'au 23 déc. 2025 |
Vrijwel iedere training die op een onze locaties worden getoond zijn ook te volgen vanaf huis via Virtual Classroom training. Dit kunt u bij uw inschrijving erbij vermelden dat u hiervoor kiest.
- The structure and elements of a blockchain network, including how decentralization works
- Hashing and consensus algorithms and their role in blockchain networks, including proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mecha…
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Vrijwel iedere training die op een onze locaties worden getoond zijn ook te volgen vanaf huis via Virtual Classroom training. Dit kunt u bij uw inschrijving erbij vermelden dat u hiervoor kiest.
- The structure and elements of a blockchain network, including how decentralization works
- Hashing and consensus algorithms and their role in blockchain networks, including proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms
- The benefits of using blockchain technology and how to determine whether blockchain is the right solution for your business
- Digital currencies, including different types of cryptocurrency assets, the tokenization process, and how leading cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin, Altcoin, Litecoin, Zcash) work
- Decentralized finance, apps, and exchanges, including Bitcoin wallets and exchanges
- Initial coin offerings (ICOs) vs. initial public offerings (IPOs)
- Securitization of physical assets
- How blockchain works in the financial sector and common blockchain use cases in finance
- Laws and regulations related to the financial applications of blockchain, including how security tokens are regulated
- Blockchain applications in the insurance industry
- The basics of how Solidity and Ethereum work and the elements of the Ethereum ecosystem
- How to create private blockchain networks using Ethereum
- The structure and components of the Bitcoin network and how it works
- Bitcoin cryptomining and its relation to PoW consensus mechanisms
- Bitcoin’s limitations, variants, and clients
- How to build secure smart contracts, including vulnerabilities in smart contracts and how to mitigate them
- Formal verification of smart contracts
- Privacy and confidentiality in blockchains
- Blockchain as a Service
- Permissioned and permissionless blockchains
- The basics of the Hyperledger Fabric framework
- Introduction to blockchain projects (including Fabric, Iroha, Burrow, and Indy)
- Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)
- Finance professionals
- Fintech professionals
- Related professionals interested in integrating blockchain into their organization’s financial applications and needs.
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Financial Applications
Module 3: Cryptocurrency Assets
Module 4: Insurance Applications
Module 5: Blockchain Project Implementation
Module 6: Bitcoin
Module 7: Security in Blockchains
Module 8: Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)
Module 9: Ethereum
Module 10: Open Source
Module 11: Decentralized Applications (dApps)
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