


Guimardstraat 15, 1040 Brussels
1040 Brussels

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Basée sur 1 commentaire(s) Lire tous les commentaireschevron_right
Certified Agile Business Analysis (CABA)

"Excellent,valuable, very good teacher, passionate. Subject well exposed and treated, very good materials. Must recommend as course provider. Early booking, no issue with that. Thank you Benoit, Will come again" - 29/11/2018 18:51

"Excellent,valuable, very good teacher, passionate. Subject well exposed and treated, very good materials. Must recommend as course provider.… lire plus - 29/11/2018 18:51


Escent is a Business Analyst Consulting Firm created in 2006 with offices in Belgium and Luxembourg. We help our clients deliver IT projects with higher efficiency and lower risk!

escent is a pure player offering specialized professional services in business requirements, functional analysis as well as project and program management. Our team of 60+ escenters contributed to the success of many of…

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Escent is a Business Analyst Consulting Firm created in 2006 with offices in Belgium and Luxembourg. We help our clients deliver IT projects with higher efficiency and lower risk!

escent is a pure player offering specialized professional services in business requirements, functional analysis as well as project and program management. Our team of 60+ escenters contributed to the success of many of our client’s IT delivery projects.

In 2010 – to leverage our field expertise – we developed a governance advisory practice aiming at enhancing our client methodologies by closing the identified gaps with best practices through a mix of auditing, remediation, training and coaching. More than 800 IT professionals benefited from the advice and training of our experts!

We are proud to share that our trainingshave been endorsed by the International Institute for Business Analysis (IIBA), and by the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB).

Note moyenne pour 'escent
Basée sur 1 commentaire(s)
Certified Agile Business Analysis (CABA)

"Excellent,valuable, very good teacher, passionate. Subject well exposed and treated, very good materials. Must recommend as course provider. Early booking, no issue with that. Thank you Benoit, Will come again" - 29/11/2018 18:51

"Excellent,valuable, very good teacher, passionate. Subject well exposed and treated, very good materials. Must recommend as course provider.… lire plus - 29/11/2018 18:51

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