Solvay Executive Education Asbl
Avenue F.D Roosevelt, 42
1050 Bruxelles
The Accelerated Management Programme (AMP) comprises 18 days - spread over 6 months - of intensive general management training for working professionals with no previous training in management.
It provides a broad-based, practical introduction to the main concepts and practices of management, combined with practical insight that is ready to be applied directly to the workplace.
The participants …
The Accelerated Management Programme (AMP) comprises 18 days - spread over 6 months - of intensive general management training for working professionals with no previous training in management.
It provides a broad-based, practical introduction to the main concepts and practices of management, combined with practical insight that is ready to be applied directly to the workplace.
The participants are selected from a range of professional
backgrounds, across various industries and sectors.
From international organisations and associations to small
owned-companies and consultancies, the Accelerated Management
Programme (AMP) attracts high-potential employees who have been
recently appointed as managers as well as experienced professionals
who are transitioning from a technical role (ex: engineering, IT)
or staff position to a more supervisory or managerial role.
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