Transfer Pricing & Intangibles

Type de cours

Transfer Pricing & Intangibles

IMF Academy
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Transfer Pricing & Intangibles – one of the most important areas of Transfer Pricing today!

With the shift towards a more knowledge-based and service-oriented economy, intangible assets such as trademarks, brands, patents, know-how and technology, account for an increasing part of the business value. The accurate and complete taxation and valuation of Intellectual Property (IP) and other intangible assets is therefore essential.

Transfer Pricing & Intangibles – a continuing battlefield

Intangibles is one of the most important areas of Transfer Pricing at the moment. General consensus among taxpayers and tax authorities alike is that there is currently insufficient international guidance, …

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Vous n'avez pas trouvé ce que vous cherchiez ? Voir aussi : Prix de transfert, Tarification / Pricing, Analyse financière, Concepts économiques et Marchés financiers.

Transfer Pricing & Intangibles – one of the most important areas of Transfer Pricing today!

With the shift towards a more knowledge-based and service-oriented economy, intangible assets such as trademarks, brands, patents, know-how and technology, account for an increasing part of the business value. The accurate and complete taxation and valuation of Intellectual Property (IP) and other intangible assets is therefore essential.

Transfer Pricing & Intangibles – a continuing battlefield

Intangibles is one of the most important areas of Transfer Pricing at the moment. General consensus among taxpayers and tax authorities alike is that there is currently insufficient international guidance, in particular regarding the definition, identification and valuation of intangibles for Transfer Pricing purposes. The outcomes of OECDs project on intangibles are likely be far reaching and as such this promises to be the most challenging and ambitious project that OECD have undertaken to date.

What will you learn?

In this unique distance/online learning course your instructors will look at intangibles from the complementary perspectives of Transfer Pricing and valuation. As there is no single definition of Intellectual Property (IP)  and other intangibles in use today by tax authorities or the OECD, the authors provide a framework in order to capture the various characteristics of Intellectual Property. Next, they touch upon the methods that have been provided by the OECD to establish arms length pricing or valuation of intra-group transactions of Intellectual Property (IP), as well as the practical implementation of these methods.

For who?

This unique, toplevel distance learning course on Transfer Pricing & Intangibles is a must for Corporate Tax and Intellectual Property Legal Counsels, Intellectual Property and Licensing Executives, in-house Transfer Pricing Managers, Advisors Transfer Pricing, International Tax Executives, Tax Directors, Accountants, Tax Inspectors, Controllers and CFOs, Tax Attorneys and Solicitors, CPAs and Lawyers, and many other professionals.


There are no specific requirements for succesfully studying this toplevel Transfer Pricing & Intangibles course. 


The Transfer Pricing & Intangibles course is only available in English. 

Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

It should be noted that the course on Transfer Pricing & Intangibles may qualify for CPE credits, pursuant to the rules of a number of professional associations. Participants are encouraged to check with their professional association to determine eligibility in this respect.

Study time

The distance learning course on Transfer Pricing & Intangibles consists of 7 lessons, each of which will require an average of 4 hours self-study.

Level of the course

The course on Transfer Pricing & Intangibles is written on a higher educational level. 

Why a distance learning course?

IMF Academy uses distance/online learning as an alternative and a complement to traditional in-class trainings in order to make high-level course materials accessible to large audiences worldwide. The greatest advantage is not to be confined by such constraints as geographical location and time. Any client, anywhere in the world, can benefit from IMF Academy's distance learning programs at a time and place convenient to him or her. 

Advantages of this distance learning course

The distance learning course on Transfer Pricing & Intangibles has numerous advantages for you:

  • You may compare the study material of this course with the information you would get from a 4-day in-class training on Transfer Pricing & Intangibles
  • All lessons are equipped with cases, best practices and literature references
  • You can study the course where, whenever and in the pace you like
  • All lessons are equipped with questions (and answers) to check your knowledge
  • The study material will serve as a reference work you will often use
  • No travel expenses and accommodation cost, and no loss of working days
  • Studying a distance learning course is far more cheaper compared with an in-class training. Estimations are that you/your company save 40%-60%.

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