


H-Tower, Amsterdam WTC,Zuidplein 36,The Netherlands
1077 XV  Amsterdam


Cybiant excels at helping businesses use their data to win in the data economy. Using next-generation technology and established IT Best Practices, we assist companies to control their technology assets, automate their processes and transform data into a strategic asset. Founded and headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Cybiant now operates across the world and has assisted organizations on all…

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Cybiant excels at helping businesses use their data to win in the data economy. Using next-generation technology and established IT Best Practices, we assist companies to control their technology assets, automate their processes and transform data into a strategic asset. Founded and headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Cybiant now operates across the world and has assisted organizations on all continents.

Cybiant is internationally recognized for its thought leadership, and has contributed to the establishment of Automation and Big Data best practices, many of whom are now used as standards by companies across the world. Our knowledge transfer methods are renowned, and have certified more than 10.000 industry professional in next generation IT standards and corresponding technology.

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