Code Institute


Block 8, Blackrock Business Park, Blackrock
2 Co Dublin

Note moyenne pour Code Institute
Basée sur 1 commentaire(s) Lire tous les commentaireschevron_right
Courtney M
warning Full Stack Software Developer + eCommerce skills is not available on Springest

"Firstly – I apologise for the novel. This is only the highlights from the issues I faced while attending a course with this college.
I would like to convey very clearly that I am exceptionally unimpressed with this course. I have found it far below the standards that I would expect from a course partnered with UCD (well technically UCD Professional Academy). Furthermore, I feel the cost of €7995 cannot possibly be justified given the poor quality of the teaching and the course material itself.
Unfortunately Trustpilot does not provide a big enough comment box to list out my legitimate concerns for courses from this college. for full details www. reddit /r/DevelEire/comments/k8lrqn/code_institute_anyone/
The biggest
Changing assessment criteria while students are actively working on the projects in question (initially without telling the applicable students). When this was raised a response of "simplifying assessment criteria to inflate pass rates is acceptable because employers will not know and it is done all the time in third level education"... This, in my opinion, is just wrong and confirms that this certificate will not have any real industry value.
The promised content was not delivered. Even the Customer Services the Manager for their partnered school admitted that mistakes have been made with this course and that the level of service provided has not met the expectations of any party involved" - 05/03/2022 18:48

"Firstly – I apologise for the novel. This is only the highlights from the issues I faced while attending a course with this college. I woul… lire plus - 05/03/2022 18:48


Code Institute is the fastest way to change your career. Tranform your life from complete beginner to professional software developer in as little as 12 weeks, at Europe's ONLY university accredited coding bootcamp. Flexible learning options, online and in class. 

Lire la description complète

Code Institute is the fastest way to change your career. Tranform your life from complete beginner to professional software developer in as little as 12 weeks, at Europe's ONLY university accredited coding bootcamp. Flexible learning options, online and in class. 

Note moyenne pour Code Institute
Basée sur 1 commentaire(s)
Courtney M
warning Full Stack Software Developer + eCommerce skills is not available on Springest

"Firstly – I apologise for the novel. This is only the highlights from the issues I faced while attending a course with this college.
I would like to convey very clearly that I am exceptionally unimpressed with this course. I have found it far below the standards that I would expect from a course partnered with UCD (well technically UCD Professional Academy). Furthermore, I feel the cost of €7995 cannot possibly be justified given the poor quality of the teaching and the course material itself.
Unfortunately Trustpilot does not provide a big enough comment box to list out my legitimate concerns for courses from this college. for full details www. reddit /r/DevelEire/comments/k8lrqn/code_institute_anyone/
The biggest
Changing assessment criteria while students are actively working on the projects in question (initially without telling the applicable students). When this was raised a response of "simplifying assessment criteria to inflate pass rates is acceptable because employers will not know and it is done all the time in third level education"... This, in my opinion, is just wrong and confirms that this certificate will not have any real industry value.
The promised content was not delivered. Even the Customer Services the Manager for their partnered school admitted that mistakes have been made with this course and that the level of service provided has not met the expectations of any party involved" - 05/03/2022 18:48

"Firstly – I apologise for the novel. This is only the highlights from the issues I faced while attending a course with this college. I woul… lire plus - 05/03/2022 18:48

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