Call International FR
Drève Richelle, 161/16, Building C, Office Park
1410 Waterloo
Call International offers general and business programmes (group courses, face-to-face, distance learning, blended e-learning, professional vocabulary, crash courses, residential immersion courses, preparing for certification), auditory training, translation and communication seminars. Most European languages, as well as Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. Call International also offers language courses…
Call International offers general and business programmes (group courses, face-to-face, distance learning, blended e-learning, professional vocabulary, crash courses, residential immersion courses, preparing for certification), auditory training, translation and communication seminars. Most European languages, as well as Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. Call International also offers language courses for kids, teenagers and university students and remedial help for students.
Thanks to the “3 STEPS UP” method, the acquisition of new behaviours (linguistic and non-verbal) is accelerated. You win!
The method allows adapting to the various training levels and profiles: from creative to analytical, relational, from beginners to advanced trainees. It awakens the different sensory channels to stimulate everyone in their individual way of functioning, whether auditory, visual or kinaesthetic.
Let us not forget the emotional aspect of training (laugh, surprise, varied activities), which encourage a rapid and long-term memorisation of the new linguistic habits. At each level of competence, priority is given to communication though messages in the target language.
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