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5 Formations Junos

Voir aussi: Développeur / Developer, Cisco Routing & Switching, Cisco et Juniper.

Voir aussi: Développeur / Developer, Cisco Routing & Switching et Cisco.


Junos Intermediate Routing (JIR)

Logo Fast Lane

Course Content This two-day classroom based course provides students with intermediate routing knowledge and configuration examples. The co…


Introduction to the Junos Operating System (IJOS)

Logo Fast Lane

Course Content This course provides you with the foundational knowledge required to work with the Junos operating system and to configure J…


Advanced Junos Enterprise Routing (AJER)

Logo Fast Lane

Course Content This three-day course is designed to provide students with the tools required for implementing, monitoring, and troubleshoot…


Junos Enterprise Switching (JEX)

Logo Fast Lane

Course Content Junos Enterprise Switching is a two-day course that provides students with intermediate switching knowledge and configuratio…


Advanced Junos Enterprise Switching Using Enhanced Layer 2 Software (AJEX)

Logo Fast Lane

Course Content This two-day course provides detailed coverage of virtual LAN (VLAN) operations, Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) and …