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5 Formations Professeur d'anglais

Voir aussi: Cours d'anglais, Communication non verbale, Formateur, Communication efficace et Présenter efficacement.

Voir aussi: Cours d'anglais, Communication non verbale et Formateur.


CELTA English Teacher Training - Full time face to face

Logo Language Teacher Training in Belgium

Courses have a minimum of 120 contact hours, with a further 80 hours required for assignments and lesson planning. CELTA caters for a wide …


CELTA English Teacher Training - Part time face to face

Logo Language Teacher Training in Belgium

The 120-hour twice-a-week part-time course has the same course content but is specially designed for people living and working. CELTA cater…


Train the trainer - english teacher

Logo Language Teacher Training in Belgium

What are the course aims? The Train the Trainer course aims to help teachers and trainers develop the generic skills they need to support t…


CELTA English Teacher Training - Online / face to face

Logo Language Teacher Training in Belgium

The online course involves face-to-face sessions for teaching practice observed and assessed by your tutor, with the input sessions being d…


Teaching English Online

Logo Language Teacher Training in Belgium

LTTB is offering a new course for Teaching English Online. The course runs for 2 and a half days. The aim of the course is to train teacher…