Healthy Children

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Healthy Children

European Health Foundation
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This exercise book contains exercises, useful tips and interesting facts which you can use straight away. It is a complete pack to raise your child healthily. In addition to exercises, this exercise book also contains practical assignments which you can complete with your child at home, when travelling and with friends.The book for every parent. Raise your children as healthy as possible, so they can have a great life. This book gives tips on how to make sure that your children grow up healthy. Contents 6 Calculating BMI 8 Healthy snacks 10 Exercise 12 Cutting down with light products 14 Testing for overweight-related complaints 16 Testing for psychological complaints 18 Healthy building blo…

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This exercise book contains exercises, useful tips and interesting facts which you can use straight away. It is a complete pack to raise your child healthily. In addition to exercises, this exercise book also contains practical assignments which you can complete with your child at home, when travelling and with friends.The book for every parent. Raise your children as healthy as possible, so they can have a great life. This book gives tips on how to make sure that your children grow up healthy. Contents 6 Calculating BMI 8 Healthy snacks 10 Exercise 12 Cutting down with light products 14 Testing for overweight-related complaints 16 Testing for psychological complaints 18 Healthy building blocks in food 20 Alternatives for sugar 22 Varying your lunch 24 Put together a healthy evening meal 26 Planning and eating healthy snacks 28 Practical exercise snacks on a ration Gezonde kinderen - werkboek 4 30 Helping with shopping 32 Practical exercise helping with cooking 34 Feel like growing your own vegetables? 36 Getting to know the origin of food 38 TV, computer & tablet vs. sport and playing outside 40 Listing tasks and planning them 42 When can you walk or cycle instead of taking the car? 44 Practical exercise reducing radiation

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